After using her brain all day at work, my wife will often spend a part of her evening in one of the rooms of our home wrestling with Sudoku puzzles. I’m a little confused, but I think this helps her to unwind. Conversely, I spend my time staring at a computer screen located...
How One Incredibly Versatile Drummer Left His Legacy
I still remember noticing the ad in the Classified section of the Toronto Star newspaper. Excitement crackled inside me as I read it. I got the jitters. The ad read, “Columbia recording artists Morgan require bass player and drummer for immediate work.” or something like that. I wanted this assignment. I immediately called...
10 Seismic Life Lessons That Drummers Have Taught Me.
I finally figured out that kids learn more from what they see rather than what they are told. It took me a while to realize this while bringing up my three great children. They watch you. How could I have been such an uncoordinated and clueless parent? My wife certainly has wondered about this. ...
“Son, if you don’t stop that tapping, there will be trouble.”
I honestly cannot remember when or how I started playing the drums and why I love music so much. There’s no definite starting point pierced along a specific timeline. The exact age that I began hitting on stationary objects is a vapour to me. One thing I do recall. There was often conflict at the dinner table. There...